Reckitt Benckiser has asked IAKI to develop a social media marketing strategy for Growing up Protected, a strategic project of customer engagement divided into several channels and activities, including the design and development of a dedicated website.
Franco Lualdi, General Manager of IAKI, explains how the project is evolving.
RECKITT BENCKISER – Website and SMM for Growing up protected
RECKITT BENCKISER – Website and SMM for Growing up protected

What are Reckitt Benckiser’s objectives with the project Growing up protected?
Growing up protected, a project dedicated to mothers and their children, had as main objective to become an area of reliable comparison, help and exchange among experts and moms, on growth and protection. Among the objectives, the main one is now capitalizing on the company’s experience on the issues of care for the whole family, increasing the awareness and spreading the brand reputation.
How have you developed the Social Media Marketing strategy?
We started with a very careful benchmark and listened to the network to understand the real and unmet needs of mothers, and the relationships between brands and audiences. IAKI has come to understand that mothers felt the need to have accurate, reliable information about security in terms of hygiene and protection of their children. IAKI was then said: “there is no place for discussion for mothers with children 0-24 months with external support from authoritative and qualified.” Here is the idea behind the project.
What’s been the next step?
In line with what we understood, IAKI has developed a Social Media Marketing Strategy which takes into account the conversations in the network, facilitating and strengthening the exchange between mothers and pediatricians. IAKI has come to define a task both social media marketing and digital communication, using two strong endorsement and collaboration: SIP (Italian Society of Pediatrics) and SITES (Italian Society of Hygiene) that Reckitt Benckiser had already established relationships with.
And what have you designed for these mums?
A digital place where moms and pediatricians meet, talk and understand each other. IAKI started from a Facebook Marketing initiative, creating an application that contains a survey on the official Facebook page of Growing up Protected “What mother are you?”, that lasted about a month, when the question was what kind of relationship they had with media and pediatric information, what were the unmet needs, such as special needs. To promote this initiative IAKI also managed planning Facebook advertising that was aimed to reach the target in a broad and targeted way. A Twitter page has been also opened, in order to amplify the daily and direct dialogue. All this lead us up to the design of a web site with the function of project “hub”: a constant point of reference. A website with a single purpose: to create engagement, putting medical content together with content of a different kind, less specific and more colloquial.
07 August 2012