After a very quick briefing meeting and with a very short time to design the strategic approach, IAKI has developed a new Facebook marketing operation for Il Corriere della Sera, dedicated to the Special Elections.
For further details of the transaction, we spoke with Sandro Marchetti, CEO of IAKI.
CORRIERE DELLA SERA – Special edition about the Elections, on Facebook
CORRIERE DELLA SERA – Special edition about the Elections, on Facebook

What were Corriere’s needs?
RCS has turned to IAKI for a solution to engage their fans on the hot topic of the upcoming elections. In particular, the project had to live as an extension of the Special elections social section hosted directly on, while respecting the rules of interaction, engagement and participation typical of the social network.
What have you proposed?
Given the hot and possibly redundant topic, we proposed a multi-level strategy that was going to touch the exclusivity of information, the promotion of community, the expression of their views. But not only. We have also been careful to propose a solution of lighter engagement that was going to urge the immediate participation, innate in Facebook members.
What’re the solutions to realize the Facebook marketing strategy?
With a section entitled “Free Ideas” where only the fans of the page can find an preview article written by a prominent journalist of the Corriere and can choose what to do: share it in his/her wall, give it a like, comment in a few lines, to deepen the subject matter in a discussion, log on with a direct link to the special election on The wall’s editorial plan follows this section gradually by giving visibility to individual articles.
We also made the application “What will the weather be like in Italy after the election?” which, with a very simple navigation and impact, relies on emotion of Italians in regard to the difficult times that our country is experiencing.
Are there any other details in the project?
Yes. The whole project is based on a communication campaign of Social Advertising for which IAKI has produced more creativity in relation to the objectives to be reported: free ideas, in-depth discussion, the game application.
12 May 2011