IAKI studies a social media marketing strategy to launch Candy on the web 2.0: a project that builds on the slogan “Candy knows how to” to stimulate conversations about everyday household problems and game application developed for the launch of the washing machine GrandO’ Plus.
Sandro Marchetti, CEO of IAKI, explains the project in detail.
CANDY – Social media marketing strategy for the web 2.0 opening
CANDY – Social media marketing strategy for the web 2.0 opening
What did Candy ask for?
The company wanted to begin a dialogue with people online leveraging the payoff “Candy knows how to do.” His goal was to support the launch of GrandO’ Plus with a social media operation.
What was the strategy of social media marketing developed by IAKI?
We have developed a strategy integrated between various social networks: a web page and a Facebook application connected to the company’s website, Youtube and Yahoo Answers. From the Facebook fan page you could access the dedicated YouTube channel, which offered a vast archive of Candy commercials, both old and recent.
What have you done on Facebook?
We have created a fan page dedicated to GrandO’ Plus, with an editorial plan designed to engage and stimulate. The people came closer to the product talking about their experiences with laundry, washing, staining and tissues. The topics covered underlined the company’s experience in the field of washing machines, allowing it to give useful and reliable advice. In addition, in order to underline the credibility of Candy, we have posted some historical company commercials, that have often been commented on by the fans. The page had an area dedicated to a “Map of Cleanness” filling in with your own data you received a list of tips on how to remove the toughest stains. The application Super BucatO’ allowed to sort different types of clothes and then put them in the washing machine. Each washing gave a witty and personalized feedback that could be published on the wall of the player.
How did online and offline interact?
The application on Facebook has taken the graphics of the commercial GrandO’ Plus and contained a product card with the most important information. Super laundry also ‘had a space dedicated to store locator, useful to find the nearest store, and a page with links to online stores.
25 May 2010